What Is The Human Design System?

The Human Design System is a synthesis of modern day sciences, including physics,astrophysics, bio and genetic chemistry, and at least four of the great esotericsystems of the age: Astrology, the I-Ching, the Kaballah and the Chakra system.

These four esoteric systems are woven together to produce a chart for all known things, living and inanimate on Earth. Humans have the most complex design chart (bodygraph) and inanimate objects the least complex.

Working with the date, place and time of birth, an astrological chart is drawn up,which relates the place of birth to the placements of the planets of our solar system,relative to the stars in the Universe all around us. Unlike astrology, which divides the sky into 12 compartments, or signs of the zodiac, Human Design further divides the sky into 64 equal compartments. The 64 relates to two things: the hexagrams of the I-Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes, in which there are 64 hexagrams each containing 6 lines, and the human genetic code, in which it was found that there are 64 genetic codons revolving around 6 amino acids. In Human Design, star placement is equated to genes; planetary placement relative to the stars is equated to activation within the genes.

Unlike astrology, which is read only from the chart of birth, Human Design draws up a second chart for a placement of the Sun exactly 88 degrees before birth. This relates to a moment when the fetus undergoes the phenomenon of the ‘turning on’of the neo-cortex. So, in this instant, approximately three months before birth, the inherited genetic imprint is made. The information returned from this calculation exhibits all the genetic (unconscious) inheritance from parents but mostly from grandparents and those farther back in the family tree.Thus, with two astrological calculations, the whole genetic makeup, both conscious and unconscious, is registered in terms of hexagrams and lines of the I-Ching. But there is more magic… and this lies in the body graph which is synthesized from an understanding of the Kaballah and the Tree of Life as well as the Hindu Chakra system.

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