Generator Child

Parenting the Generator Child

Generator children will benefit greatly from having the chance to express their Sacral energy through sound. Teaching them to respond to yes and no questions will save them a tremendous amount of energy in the future.

Generators, like all types, are not here to be told what to do. Instead, they are to respond to doing. But, in the collective experience, this is not always permitted. Think about the Generator child who does not respond to taking a math test. Perhaps they aren’t ready. Perhaps they are not in the mood that day. Not responding affirmatively is, obviously, not an option.

Generators learn very quickly to do as they are told, even if they don’t respond. Later, as adults, they are then told to go make things happen.

Generator children who do not get enough exercise may have a hard time falling asleep. When they get behind in sleep, then they may experience long-term chronic sleep deprivation. The symptoms of chronic long-term sleep deprivation mimic the symptoms of attention deficit disorder. Generator children who get to wear out their Sacral Centers every day are healthier and do better in school.

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